Where Timeless Tales Unfold

Month: June 2019

Not a Bar Joke. Well, Kind of a Bar Joke

Per Bastet Publications is proud to announce our latest publication: the Southern Indiana Writers’ Group’s latest anthology.

Apollo and Athena Walk Into a Bar: (Art Meets Science)

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Centuries ago, back when the Old Gods first fled the Mortal Realm . . .” Apollo and Athena, fallen god and goddess, respectively, of the arts and the sciences, linger in the shadows of the bar where Neptune regales his patrons with jokes. Also lurking in these writings are, among other wonders, a congenial vampire-detective who, with Ben Franklin, courts a lovely automaton that blows poison kisses; a grieving colonist on Mars grappling with meaning and religious doubt; a trio of canoe-transporting raccoons; a young woman mathematician approaching the mystery of her absent father, the notorious Romantic poet Lord Byron; and a Walden-carrying, Hoosier Everyboy trying to map the Alaskan wilds.

Available in print and Kindle editions.

Per Bastet Acquires Popular Memoir!

When the rights to Joanna Foreman’s popular memoir THE KNOW-IT-ALL GIRL became available, Per Bastet snapped them up. We’ve had our eye on this one for some time, and are delighted to add it to our catalog.

Unlike some books by former members of groups, this is no screed or rant. Yes, there was pain. Yes, there was disillusionment. Yes, there was devastating loss. But there was also joy, friendship, and emotional enrichment. In her memoir, Joanna Foreman navigates through her conviction that she knew it all to her present free contentment. This memoir, told with humor and deep emotion, takes you inside the life of a “JW” and out again, with the help of a guide you’ll feel is confiding to you across the table of a comfortable restaurant.

“I don’t know exactly when I started falling out of The Truth, but I remember the precise moment when, way up high in a tree, I made the decision to get in.” (Chapter 6) ~*~ “You think you have lifetime friends in the Organization? Try leaving.”(Chapter 8)

Available in print and for Kindle.